How did you attract/address your audience?
Front Cover
In order to attract my target audience I used a variety of different conventions. I believe the conventions I have used would also attract people outside of my specific target audience age specification as they are well known and used on a wide range of other magazines.
To begin, I have used direct address through my model as she is staring right down the camera lens (at the reader) and she is wearing appropriate clothing that would appeal to my target audience, despite the fact you are only able to see the top she is wearing as well as overall makeup and hair style.
I have included a Buzzword, "Exclusive", which will attract my audience because it gives off a positive vibe in the sense that it will encourage them to purchase it because my magazine includes exclusive interviews.
My magazines' slogan "Lower The Needle" will appeal to my audience as it is a clever play on words and will entice them to purchase it because it increases interest in discovering what's within the magazine.
The text I have used to give hints into what is contained within the magazine is easy to read and captures the attention of potential buyers and readers immediately. This is because if they spot the name of an artist they like or a particular type of music then they are likely to pick it up and read the specific article as well as the entire magazine.
I have made the price very visible on the cover, located below the barcode in order for my target audience to know exactly what the price is and not be deceived in to believing it was more expensive than it is if it wasn't visible. This will draw the readers in due to the fact that the price is slightly less than a similar magazine such as "Rolling Stone" but also more than your average magazine which is around £2.00, and indicates to them that it is a high quality product.
Contents page
I have also used direct address on my contents page as my model is, again, giving an enticing look down the camera lens, focused on the reader. I have only used one photo on my contents page which is of my main feature, located on the left hand side of page. I decided to solely use this photo as it tells a lot about her character through her body language, style and facial expression. She is portraying a confident, focused and youthful look which will attract my target audience as she is clearly within the specified age range of the target audience.

Double Page Spread
The main photo I have used of my main feature on my double page spread portrays the artist, Megan Hulse, lying on her back looking down the camera lens showing she isn't shy and wants the readers feel as though they can connect with her because she isn't looking away from the camera, and also, because she is lying down, indicates she is also comfortable doing photo shoots and interviews.
The caption of speech that has been said by Megan which is shown throughout the pages I have created, "My Business Here", is a strong statement which is intriguing to the reader as many people within my target audience age group, want people such as music artists to give them encouraging statements that inspire them to figure out what their business is in whatever life endeavours they are involved in and give them confidence to be themselves.
I have also included three smaller medium close up images behind the text that reads "Megan Hulse" showing Megan in three different poses showing different dimensions of her look.
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