Thursday, 14 April 2016

Front Cover: First Draft Analysis

Here is my finished first draft of my front cover for my music magazine VINYL. Unfortunately I wasn't able to blog my progress and how and where I wanted to place the conventions I have included on the cover consistently throughout the process. However, in this blog, I will be giving an overview of why I decided to design my front cover the way I have and exactly why I have chosen specific qualities of my style models to replicate in my magazine.

Within in my first draft of my front cover I have included a Masthead, Slogan, Main Headline, Text, Main feature photo, Barcode, Price, Date and Issue number.

Masthead: For my Masthead I decided to use the font "Bank Gothic" in black, as well as adding a pale blue Outer Glow to help emphasise and highlight the name of my magazine, "VINYL". I wanted to use a simple, easily read font in a plain colour to keep a minimalistic yet stylish themed cover.

Main Headline: I have used the same font for my Main headline as I have for my front cover text. This gives my magazine cover a look of continuity and a professional layout similar to real magazines, including my style model "Rolling Stone".

Slogan: My slogan is located just underneath my Masthead and I have made it central and in a smaller font compared to my Masthead so that it does not take up too much of my page and does not overwhelm the cover either. The font is the same style as the Masthead "Bank Gothic".

Text: I have used the same font for my Main Headline as I have for my extra text I have used on the cover, I have placed it on the left hand side and I have made it central on the left hand side. The colours I have used are black and pale, turquoise blue. The blue I have used matches the blue drop shadow I have used on my Masthead.

Main Feature Photo: My main feature photo is a medium close up of Megan Hulse looking right at the camera (To the audience). I chose to put the photo right in the middle as this is how my style model, "Rolling Stone", regularly style it's front cover, with the main feature photo in the middle of the cover.

Barcode, Price and Issue number: I inserted an image of a barcode and have placed it on the right hand side of my cover and just below the "L" in "VINYL". The issue number, date and price are listed underneath of the barcode and have been centred for neatness.   

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