Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Time Management-Double Page Spread Selection

Here are a 3 photos that I have taken during my photo shoot with my actor, Megan, that will be the selection that I choose my Double page spread photo from. They are of very high quality in my opinion and I believe I will struggle in choosing the best one. To help me I am considering holding a survey within my class to see what others believe is the best photo to be included within my music magazine.

I really like the poses i have chosen as I believe they portray a confident, powerful attitude that are also very endearing. My favourite photo, potentially, for my double page spread is where my actor is lying on her back looking straight to the camera. This is because I believe it will work and look the best across the double page spread and there is more than enough room for any text I will add. The lighting and shadows inflicted on my actor in all of my photos I believe is very strong however I may do some editing on photo shop to possibly further improve the photo.

I believe the poses are strong and appropriate for my target audience because they show a confident and moody attitude.

Time Management-Contents Page Best Selection

Here are a 3 photos that I have taken during my photo shoot with my actor, Megan, that will be the selection that I choose my contents page photo from. They are the best quality photos I have taken for my contents page. I admit one of my chosen photos presented in the middle is slightly blurry but I wanted to include it in my selection as I believe despite this, the pose, hair, makeup and costume is very strong.

My favourite photo out of  the selection I have chosen here is the third photo listed where my actor is leaning slightly to the right looking straight to the camera with her head slightly tilted to the side and back. I decided, for my contents page, to do a near full body shot with a large space at the side of my actor so that I can have any text, and the list of content, in a blank space so that it can be easily read by readers and they can also see the main feature, Megan.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Media Texts-Ideologies

Sleeping Beauty is a film that shows that women are very dainty, helpless without a man and are incomplete until they find love in a masculine, strong prince that they constantly dream of. Almost all Disney films including a princess shows the princess as the damsel in need of a prince to be happy and to rescue them if they are in distress. However, in Tangled, Rapunzel is presented as independent and adventurous and dreams more about discovering the outside world rather than finding true love in a prince.
Friends is a TV series that presents one of it's main characters, Joey, as dumb, inarticulate and somewhat childish but has a handsome exterior so that he is still able to attract women and have a fairly successful job in acting. This is a character that I believe is used to get laughs from the audience rather than showing a grown man as successful and articulate as well as funny like Ross, another main character included within the TV series.
Kung Fu Panda shows Po, the main Panda in the film, as a character that believes he can only find true happiness in becoming the Dragon Warrior and discovering the secret of the Dragon scroll but later realises that that is not quite the key to true happiness. He is clumsy and is not expected to achieve in Kung Fu at first, by the audience and other characters within the film, as he is a fat Panda who had worked in a Noodle restaurant with his father for the entirety of his life so far.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Time Management-Front Cover Best Selection

Here are a 5 photos that I have taken during my photo shoot with my actor to potentially be my front cover for the music magazine as I believe they are the best selection.
I have chose these specific photos as they all portray the kind of attitude I want my magazine to display throughout, and they are all very strong, good quality photos with all different, diverse poses.
As my target audience is Young professionals, both male and female, but also is suitable for an older audience, I believe the photos I have chosen are very appropriate as they don't portray a very young look similar to, for example, We Love Pop magazine, but a professional, moody and enticing look.
Because I decided to reject any use of props, I believe this worked to my advantage as the shots are simple yet extremely effective and make a big impact on the viewer, especially the shots where Megan, my actor, is look straight at the camera.

This photo of Blondie on the Rolling Stone Magazine was my inspiration for my front cover shot.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Time Management-Photo Shoot

My photo shoot was extremely successful regarding my desired quality of photos and I was able to stick to my scheduled plan of taking them at the weekend as my actor was very cooperative and professional. All costume that I had planned to use were taken from my own wardrobe and worked well in the variety of shots I'd taken. However, in a selection of my shots, I decided to change the top that my actor was wearing as I wanted to experiment with a different colour from the initial lilac/purple top I'd chosen, to a more vibrant orange colour to see how the lighting I was using would compliment my camera angles and my actors look.
I took my photos against my bedroom wall, which was a perfect back drop for my photos as it is completely plain and would emphasise the colours my actor was wearing and the shadows inflicted upon my actor from my chosen light source.

For the lighting for my photoshoot, I turned all the lights off, and used solely the light from a small lamp I had in my room, and held it with the hand I was not holding the camera with, to inflict the different light spots and shadow areas I desired for each shot I was taking. I held the lamp and moved it depending on what kind of shadows I wanted to appear on my actor and I would use different light placement for the same shot, at times, to see which one worked most effectively and looked best.
I took around 40 shots as I wanted to have a large selection that I could choose the very best quality ones to be featured in my magazine. By doing this I can also analyse the shots I believe weren't the best quality, e.g. blurred images, so I can show my improvement throughout the photo shoot process.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Time Managment-Photoshoot Weekend

This weekend I have fully completed my photo shoot and I believe it went extremely well and I have a large selection of photos that have a lot of potential to feature in my magazine. Me and my actor, Megan, worked very well together and Megan was very cooperative throughout the photo shoot process. This gave me confidence when taking my photos because I knew that we worked well together from the very first shot to the last. The look I chose for my actor, based on the front cover of a Rolling Stone magazine(featuring Blondie on the cover), looked amazing in my photos and really embodied the attitude and confident aura I desire my music magazine will portray.

I have taken a variety of shots for my front cover, contents page and double page spread in order for me to have a good selection to choose from and I can assure myself that I will pick the highest quality and most effective shots to feature in my music Magazine, Vinyl.
The photos I believe are the best in each selection, Front cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread, will be featured in a future blog.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Permissions Required

The only permissions required for my photoshoot is permission to borrow the camera from my teacher. All other aspects for the photoshoot I already have access to as I'm taking the photos in my home and all makeup, lighting and costume has come from me. I will be using a Canon camera to take my photos fro my Magazine.

Time Managent-Photoshoot:Preparation

Today I have received a camera from my Media Teacher so I am ready to start my photo shoot process tomorrow on Saturday and on Sunday if needs be. My location, costume and makeup has been decided for while and I am confident that where and what I have chosen regarding Mise en Scene will work effectively. Due to the face that I have prepared early, I'm sure my photo shoot will run smoothly with minimal or no problems occurring during. I know that my actor, Megan, is free all weekend enabling me to take all the time I need to take the best quality photos I can.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Time Management

This week I have been planning my photography process for my magazine photos and exactly when and where I will be doing them. This week I have also made a definite decision on what my magazine will be called and I have decided on the name, 'Vinyl'.
I will be receiving a camera today so that I can take my photos this weekend. My photos will be taken against a blank background as I have now decided that, depending on the lighting I use, I may use the original background, but if I believe it doesn't look the quality I would like it to be, I will edit the background using photoshop or DTP software.

My Front Cover Inspiration

A large amount of my inspiration for my Front Cover shot comes from a Rolling Stone front cover featuring Blondie. This is because she embodies exactly what I want my magazine to portray which is a legitimate aura of confidence and attitude but an attitude that can be admired rather than looked negatively upon or presents a negative feeling. I will work hard when taking the photos for my magazine so that they are the highest quality that I can achieve and so that they look as professional as possible.